Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fall Fiesta

Yay, it's almost the weekend!  And in case the weekend before Halloween needs a few more fun things crammed into it, there's a Marketplace happening at St. Paul's United Church in Dundas, this Friday and Saturday from 10am - 4 pm. The Church is located at 29 Park St. W. at  the corner of Park St. and Cross St. in Dundas. I've never done this market before but I was invited to participate a few months ago and it looks like it's going to be good! Dundas is such a great place to be, especially in the Fall.

I have some new things for sale so come check it out..


  1. My watercolour teacher growing up used to have us pick out a leaf or a mushroom and do a study of it for the first class every fall. They looked pretty much like this. I should do that, it was fun. Where's Dundas?

  2. I found the yellow leaf on my driveway. Dundas is a town that was annexed by Hamilton. If you've ever been to McMaster University, Dundas starts a little ways away from Mac. It's in a valley and is exceedingly picturesque. They have an art school called the Dundas Valley School of Art and a really great community of artists. And thus is pretty much exhausted my knowledge of Dundas.

  3. p.s. painting little things you find is so fun. It makes me stare at the ground probably more than I should.
