Day 8: A photo of something close up |
Day 9: A photo of something distant |
Day 10: A photo of whatever you please |
The other day I went with my family down to the Hamilton Waterfront. We parked our car at
Bayfront Park and then biked over to the Harbour Marine Services. There's a really big ship that I see docked by the Marine Services building every time I go down there. The ship, which might technically be a laker (a freighter that runs through the Great Lakes) is painted a very bright blue. When you get close to the side of the ship, you start to see the flaking layers of paint and the rust that's corroding the metal. The overall effect is quite lovely and, when taken out of context, looks like it could be an abstract painting. Every time I've gone by the big blue rusting ship I've thought that I would like to photograph the side of the boat close up, and the other day I did just that.
For the Day 9 photo, I broke a photo challenge rule and took it on the same day as Photo 8. True confessions, I know. The fellow looking out over the water in the background is what makes this a photograph of something distant. My intended subject matter is the dynamic biking duo in the foreground but I think the man leaning on the railing sort of sneaks in there to steal the show.
As for the Day 10 photo, there's no question who's the star: parsley, it's your moment to shine. Every day I take pleasure in looking at the potted herbs by my studio window so it was only natural that I take an herbal photograph. Although scientifically improvable, I maintain that herbs taste better when you grow them yourself. I would've photographed my basil plant because basil is the lion of the herb kingdom, but my basil is not looking well these days. So while basil is tastier than parsley, parsley is currently destroying basil in the category of most photogenic. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong with my basil plant, apart from perhaps pillaging its leaves more often than I should. Hmm, maybe I do know what I'm doing wrong with my basil plant.